
The Amazing Love Healing Ministry is dedicated to bringing the Love, Healing and Reconciliation of Jesus Christ to the whole world. Apart from the Healing Conferences we offer, we also offer ongoing Education and Training in Healing for those who desire to learn more about Healing Prayer. Isaiah 61:1 calls people to “Preach the Good News”, “Heal the Brokenhearted”, “Comfort those who Mourn”, “Set the Captives Free”, and to have “Praise and Joy instead of Despair” … all this through Jesus Christ.

How does our training equip people to do this ? First of all, people who want to be prayer facilitators or teachers, must attend healing conferences and also be dedicated to seeking God’s continuous healing and renewal for their own lives. We train our teachers and prayer facilitators in the biblical principles of healing and healing prayer, which incorporates a variety of methods and tools such as those used by John and Paula Sandford, Rita Bennett, Francis MacNutt, Leeanne Payne and Ed Smith (Theophostics). These methods and tools are used under the lead and guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring healing and restoration to broken areas in our lives. The goal is for people to be healed through Jesus Christ and to be reconciled to one another and to Jesus Christ … and then for these people to take the healing of Jesus Christ to others who need it. Remember: wounded people wound others. Healed people through Jesus Christ, heal others …

So, come and be trained as a prayer facilitator or a teacher. The pre-requisite for beginning training as an assistant facilitator is the minimum of attending the Basic Healing Conference weekend and/or attending an 8 week Basic Healing Conference.

Click here to see a list of Upcoming Conferences and Courses.



A Northwest Blessing

Amazing Love Healing Ministry traveled to Salt Spring Island in British Columbia in January of this year for a “Restoring The Soul” Healing Conference. Pastor

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