Support Us

Please help the Amazing Love Healing Ministry to continue to bring God’s Healing and Reconciliation to all people, all over the world. We need prayer and financial support. Would you kindly consider sowing into the Kingdom of God by making a financial contribution to this ministry?

By using PayPal, you can make an online donation. It is convenient and secure. Just use the “Donate” button below. After donating, you will receive an email as confirmation.

PayPal Instructions

  1. When you press the Donate button on our website, you will be directed to the PayPal website. Using the PayPal website is free. The text Amazing Love Healing Ministry will be displayed next the the amount box.
  2. Enter the amount in USD you want to donate. Press the Update Total button. If needed, you can find a currency converter here.
  3. Select your Country if it is not the United States.
  4. Enter your personal and credit card information. If prompted for a password, enter any password of your choice. Press the Review Donation and Continue button.
  5. The amount your are about to donate will be displayed. If you have selected a country different from the United States, the amount you are about to donate will be displayed in your local currency.
  6. Press the Donate Now button to finalize the transaction. You will receive an email as confirmation of the transaction.
    Thank you for your support.

If you’d rather give to the Amazing Love Healing Ministry by check or other payment method, please contact us.

The Amazing Love Healing Ministry is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, charitable corporation. All Donations given to this ministry are tax-deductible.

Items / Help Needed

Please email Pastor Sharon Lewis at if you can help with any of these media items.



A Northwest Blessing

Amazing Love Healing Ministry traveled to Salt Spring Island in British Columbia in January of this year for a “Restoring The Soul” Healing Conference. Pastor

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